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Furry Logic: The Physics of Animal Life
Liz Kalaugher, Matin Durrani
The Travels of Marco Polo
Edward W. Marsden

Resurrecting my classics read

Inferno - Dante Alighieri

I had to share that I have restarted my goal of reading classics. However, rather than just picking some random book that I happen to own, I'm reading ones I think I'd actually enjoy. First up is Dante's Inferno. NO not the dumb Dan Brown repetitive story (have you noticed all the stories (with who most people really think is Tom Hanks) are actually all the same? They all involve Hanks (see even I don't recall the Professor's name) and some beautiful girl running together around Europe with solving some mystery connected with the catholic church. Only the girls and the locations change so Brown can show off his world knowledge. NO, I'm talking the real book by Dante. I'd started it in the past but never got very far. But after finding this illustrated edition by Fall River Press at Barnes and Noble (Oops, should I have said that? Will Amazon now hunt me down and kick me off the site?) I am certain it will be much more enjoyable and less taxing on the mind trying to picture all of these evils.