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Currently reading

Furry Logic: The Physics of Animal Life
Liz Kalaugher, Matin Durrani
The Travels of Marco Polo
Edward W. Marsden


Elizabeth and Her German Garden (The Penguin English Library) - Elizabeth von Arnim

Elizabeth and her friends have become one of the highlights of reading. Her writing style is refreshing and her struggle to have a beautiful garden is enjoyable fare. Using her husband, or Man of Wrath, as a foil introduces a much enjoyable element of humor. Her disdain of guests is understandable as she provides you with a window of her time on Earth.  

I found Elizabeth, based on her biography, to have been a remarkable woman, too short (only 74 years) on this planet. I plan to read as many of her writings as I can.

Note to TA: Sorry, I stopped reading your postings of 'The Solitary Summer,' as mine has not yet arrived and I wanted it to be a fresh read. No offense.